Material Aspects of Relationships with Brokers and Market Centers

DriveWealth Institutional LLC provides the below information pursuant to U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission rules requiring all brokerage firms to make available to the public quarterly reports about their order routing practices.

This disclosure provides information as it pertains to DriveWealth LLC’s routing of orders and any financial compensation it may receive.

DriveWealth Institutional broker dealer affiliate, DriveWealth LLC, routes a material portion of its orders to DriveWealth Institutional. DriveWealth Institutional maintains agreements with downstream market centers, market makers and or broker dealers that pay for order flow. A portion of the payments received by DriveWealth Institutional, derived from DriveWealth LLC order flow, are rebated to DriveWealth LLC in the amount of $.002 per share. DriveWealth Institutional may also facilitate execution of DriveWealth LLC order flow on a principal basis.

Questions regarding this report should be addressed to the DriveWealth Institutional LLC Compliance Department at